Quantization of Gravity


Physicists are still trying to understand how spaceftime curvature emerges on macroscopic scales from a more fundamental, presumably Quantum picture of gravity; it is arguably the deepest question in physics. 

The Soviet theoretical physicist Bronstein , a pioneer of Quantum gravity research whose work remains largely unkown in the west. When gravity is strong, “the situation is quite different,” he wrote. “Without a deep revision of classical notions, it seems hardly possible to extend the quantum theory of gravity also to this domain.”

The problem is gavity’s extreme Weakness. whereas the quantized particles are strong, gravitons are individually so weak that laboratories have no hope of detectlng them. To detect a graviton with high probability, a particle detector would have to be so huge and massive that it wollld collapse into a black hole. This weakness is why it takes an astronomical accumulation of mass to gravitationally influence other massive particles.

Dyson, who helped develop quantum electrodynamics disagrees with the argument that quantum gravity is needed to descrihe the unreachahle interiors of black holes. And he wonders whether detecting the hypothetical graviton might be impossible, even in principle. In that case, he argues quantum gravity is metaphysical, rather than physics.

1. Interactions will have to be considered among many unknown numberof gravitons. 

2. The Volume of the total interacting space will have to be considered which will leave the interactions fiom the space outside the volume to be not considered. 

3. The nature and characters of the gravitons are still unclassified that establishes a problem in formulating the interactions with space particle. 

4. The Space particle will also need a lot of work of research and formulations.

The quantization would require the space field to be quantized itself. But it is not the daily case. As we already told that space permits itself the limits and we cannot interfere with it. So, the quantization would further require the limits of Quantum mechanics to be pushed of. Further the description of the many body interactions in such conditions Would be rather difficult.

Whatever may be the case, these are ideas and ideas arise from problem and require a search for solution. The present idea of graviton is also not devoid of the problems of quantum mechanics. To my concept interaction also requires the space quantization  first before anything could be made sense physically. But how will be this quantizatlon possible is the real question?