An Alternative Theory of Quantum Gravity


According to an alternative theory of quantum gravity, the entire universe comprises a singular super force that has separated into the fundamental forces that govern nature. Here the universe in its entirety is simply a bundle of waves pulled around a set course of interlinked energy systems at a constant rate equal to the speed of light forming the fabric of space-time as well as the dimension of time whereby everything is relative. Therefore the definition of mass is according to a measure of motive force as measured in electron Volts covering a distance where a charge comprised by a mass particle is a bundle of fundamental force, (bundle of waves), confined to a closed loop and massless particle is a bundle of motive force that is not confined to a closed loop. 

Let us consider that a mass particle comprises one or more charge, with each charge compared to a bundle of energy confined to a closed loop. Such that, the mass particle as a whole does not rotate but there are bundles of waves accelerating around some fixed point. For an electron this produces an overall magnetic field, (spin), due to the current of the moving charge elements. These elements accelerate around the closed loop at the speed of light, 'c' with frequency 'ν = c/2πR', which depends inversely on the radius 'R'. The higher the energy of the mass particle the smaller the radius becomes. 

The relationship between the magnetic field around a current carrying conductor and its current source is known as the Ampere's Law. The Ampere's Law states that the line integral of the tangential component of magnetic field force at any enclosed path is exactly equal to the net current enclosed by the path.

Let us also consider that any particle of mass, (such as an electron), moving over a distance, (in the direction of a given force), may be measured in electron Volts and also the mass of any particle of mass, (such as an electron), may be measured in electron Volts. Furthermore, let us consider that all matter comprises gravitational charge and all force fields come in loops. Such that, a mass particle comprises one or more charge, (or charges), with each charge compared to a bundle of energy, (or in words, a bundle of waves), confined to a closed loop.

For a component comprising more than than one charge we acknowledge that the frequency and wavelength of the bundle of waves confined to a closed loop correspond to that point on the force field spectrum in question. Where the force field spectrum goes in higher frequency and shorter wavelength one way and lower frequency and longer wavelength in the opposite direction.

A gravitational charge, (being a bundle of gravitational force confined to a closed loop), of a mass particle has wavelength λ, in the following equation:

λ = h/mv

Where, mass is for m, (in kilograms kg), traveling at velocity v, (metres per second), where λ is the wavelength of the particle in meters and h is Planck's constant.

Gravitonic Engineers are then able to determine the bandwidth of gravitons, (being the force particles of the gravitonic spectrum much like photons of electromagnetic force).

Furthermore, the material herein is based on a theory that totally governs all gravitational devices.

Thus, by looking at the accumulation of gravitonic charges corresponding to that gravitonic force field or spectrum, Gravitonic Engineers might be able to calculate the magnitude of strength necessary to be able to apply an equal and opposite electromagnetic force and electrically assist a vehicle, (let's say), to compromise it's gravity.

The frequency range of the force field spectrum corresponds to the bandwidth of the charge whereas, the bandwidth in question is a range of frequencies within a given band, in particular that used for transmitting the force carrier. Here we remember that all force fields come in loops, and that bandwidth is also the amount of energy, (as measured in electron Volts), that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time and that the energy transfer is equal to the throughput in question. Whereas, the bandwidth is the frequency of a force carrier corresponding with the charge of the subject. Whereby, the bandwidth is a measure of the width of a range of frequencies, measured in hertz which is in cycles per second.

So let us take one of the charges of a mass particle and unravel it end to end, then may we see this as the length of path of motive force. Whereas an accumulation of charges forms a longer length of path of motive force and the momentum being the speed and direction of the charge in question is stored in the corresponding force field. As the mass particle is intercepted by the bundle of carrier force, that particle collapses into a wave taking all possible paths in the direction of the force. Such that, the displacement of the components comprising an energy system are bound together at a constant rate equal to the speed of light, as energy systems combine and further evolve. Such that, the potential energy, (stored), of that combined energy system is added to the kinetic energy, (moving), of the components in question thereby displacing its components. As work is done when mass particles move over their given distances in the direction of the force. The passage of the mass particle would be like a smear, (which corresponds to a wave collapsing and taking all possible paths in the direction of the force), and we would not be able to determine the when and whereabouts simultaneously as by doing so we would interfere with the system in question, (such as, hitting the mass particle with a photon of light in order to observe it and thus knocking it off it's course). Kinetic energy may be converted into charge according to the following equation: Charge = mv²/2.

Kinetic energy is the energy associated with the motion of an object. If an object of mass 'm' moves with speed v, then its kinetic energy is 'mv²/2'.

If 'm' is measured in kilograms and 'v' is in meters per second, then the energy is in joules.

Kinetic energy = 1/2 mv²

Kinetic energy = electron Volts.

1/2 mv² = eV.

The probability of finding where the gravitational charge is at any given time is the square root of the wave amplitude which is proportional to the intensity of the wave, (where we compare the gravitational charge to a bundle of gravitational force confined to a closed loop or as a bundle of waves accelerating around some fixed point).

The wavelength of the gravitational charge is inversely proportional to the mass particle's momentum being it's speed and direction. Here the momentum of the mass particle is 'p = mv', where, 'm' is the mass in 'kg', and 'p' is in 'kg metres per second'.

Perhaps the most difficult constant to measure is the gravitational constant (G). This gravitational constant is used to give the value of the force between two objects with mass. Where, the gravitational attraction force between two point masses is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their separation distance. The force is always attractive and acts along the line joining them. Interestingly, the force of attraction or repulsion between two electrically charged particles, in addition to being directly proportional to the product of the electric charges, is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

The gravitational charge in the form of a closed loop circumnavigated by a motive force, (being the passage of the gravitational force in question), produces a field which is also in the form of a loop with a magnitude equal to the current in the loop times the area of the loop. Interestingly, a gravitational charge is considered to generate a gravitational field similar to that generated by a small loop conducting an electric current. 

The motive force that takes the passage of the charge, (length of path across the two points), then adds to the field and this is in the form of constructive interference. Where, the increasing accumulation of charges forms waves combine and evolve into a larger wave loop forming the field in question. The gravitational field is considered to form a spinning vortex and when two gravitational fields meet their vortex spins attract. Due to the reproduction of the shape of the energy pattern, a gravitational charge, (or accumulation of gravitational charges forming a body of mass), continually falls in a gravitational field. Two or more gravitational charges next to each other attract one another as the passage of motive force around the gravitational charge loops in question is in the same direction being from lower to higher energy density. The strength of the gravitational field is directly proportional to the energy density of the charge in question and inversely proportional to the square of the distance which separates the centers of that charge, (or accumulation of charges forming a body off mass), and another gravitational charge, (or body). Gravitons follow the path of the closed loop line of force and do work in displacing the gravitational charges of influence. The gravitational field is considered to be perpendicular to the direction of the passage of motive force circumnavigating the closed loops forming the gravitational charges. 

The measure of strength of the gravitational field is according to the amount of gravitons that exist in loops going around the gravitational charges which combine and as the distance from the subject increases, the density of the graviton loops goes down according to the inverse square law due to the spherical nature of the gravitational charges involved, so there is less gravitational attraction. The measure of strength of gravitational force contained in the force carrier, (graviton), is according to the change in momentum of the subject, (gravitational charge), motivated divided by the time it took to occur. So in other words, when a gravitational charge is placed in a gravitational field, it feels a force that is proportional the length of path of motive force corresponding to that charge and also the length path of motive force corresponding to the accumulation of charges forming the field.

Interestingly, the universal gravitational constant ‘G’ is proportional to the length of path of a bundle of waves around a closed loop, (which corresponds to the gravitational charge), which relates the energy carried by a graviton to the frequency of the gravitational charge. This energy depends inversely on the radius as the higher the energy of the mass particle the smaller the radius becomes. Gravity arises due to the circumnavigation of motive force binding matter together and during the interception between a bundle of the gravitational force, (graviton), and the particle of mass motivated, (due to its gravitational charge), on approaching the speed of light reluctance is encountered, fatigued, the recipient gains mass in proportion to its motion.  Whereas, the recipient, (component composing an energy system such as an atom or body of mass), collapses into a wave and expends energy in the direction of the force. Whereby, momentum stored within the subject’s field is converted into the displacement of the subject as measured in electron Volts. Such that, the displacement of the components, (particles of mass), comprising matter is at a constant rate equal to the speed of light according to the Attractive effect which indicates that the passage of the material of the fundamental forces that govern nature is from lower towards higher energy density.

Theoretically speaking, according to the Attractive effect, the passage of the material of the fundamental forces that govern nature is from the negative terminal of the power source considered to be responsible for powering the fundamental forces that govern nature, that's from the outer edge of the mega cluster of super clusters of galaxies, let's say, to the highest density in the centers of galaxies towards the positive terminal of the power source. 

[Interestingly, both the modern theory of quantum mechanics and General Relativity view the universe to be a free lunch, so to speak, where no source of power is required in order for the fundamental forces that govern nature to operate. Due to using a modified work function it may be found that no work is done and so no power source required when let's say an object such as a cup rests on a table because the object doesn't move. This totally disregards the idea that the components comprising the cup are all being displaced and when mass such particles of mass cover distances in the direction of the force a source of power is required. Consequently, there has been a fifty year or so gap in the advancement of quantum theory and perhaps should such flaws be continually overlooked then this gap may only be extended.]

From the outer edges of galaxies towards the highest energy density at the galaxy's center, binding complex energy systems such as bodies of mass together, binding bodies of mass to planets and binding planets into paths around stars and binding stars into paths around the centers of galaxies. With the material of the fundamental forces being proportional to the total energy of our universe in its entirety.

Interestingly there is a strong relation between the black hole at the center of a galaxy and the total mass of that galaxy and black holes actually drive the evolution of a galaxy, (according to the rate at which new stars are formed which appears to be linked to the evolution of the galaxy's central black hole), as well as the material of a galaxy seems to form a disc pattern that spirals in like water circling a drain is further evidence to support the Attractive effect that indicates that the path of the fundamental forces that govern nature is from lower towards higher energy density. The gravitational charge in the form of a closed loop circumnavigated by a motive force, (being the passage of the gravitational force in question), produces a field which is also in the form of a loop with a magnitude equal to the current in the loop times the area of the loop. Interestingly, a gravitational charge is considered to generate a gravitational field similar to that generated by a small loop conducting an electric current. 

The motive force that takes the passage of the charge, (length of path across the two points), then adds to the field and this is in the form of constructive interference. Where, the increasing accumulation of charges forms waves combine and evolve into a larger wave loop forming the field in question. The gravitational field is considered to form a spinning vortex and when two gravitational fields meet their vortex spins attract. Due to the reproduction of the shape of the energy pattern, a gravitational charge, (or accumulation of gravitational charges forming a body of mass), continually falls in a gravitational field. Two or more gravitational charges next to each other attract one another as the passage of motive force around the gravitational charge loops in question is in the same direction being from lower to higher energy density. The strength of the gravitational field is directly proportional to the energy density of the charge in question and inversely proportional to the square of the distance which separates the centers of that charge, (or accumulation of charges forming a body off mass), and another gravitational charge, (or body). Gravitons follow the path of the closed loop line of force and do work in displacing the gravitational charges of influence. The gravitational field is considered to be perpendicular to the direction of the passage of motive force circumnavigating the closed loops forming the gravitational charges. 

Now let us consider two points A,B, where point B is one meter in a circular path to the point A. Suppose the difference in potential between A and B is one volt.

At point A, put an object with a mass of one kilogram which has a positive charge of one coulomb, (one amp-second). The object will be pushed towards B by the electric field. As it moves towards B, it will experience a force sufficient to accelerate it at a rate of m/s²,(where m is for metre and s is for seconds). In other words, one volt is the potential difference which, over a distance of one meter, will cause an object with charge one coulomb and mass one kilogram to accelerate at a rate of one meter per second squared.

A mass particle comprising gravitational charge is intercepted by a graviton 'x' which has an energy 'x = yz' after passing through the potential 'z', this potential is proportional to the accumulation charges forming the gravitational field. The mass particle has energy given as eV/c², whereas, the electronVolt, (eV), is a unit of energy, however, the Flan (F), (coined by Thomas Flanagan), is the unit of 'EPD' as measured in eV.

(Where there is a energy potential difference as measured in units of Flans across two points of an energy system within the universe such as a charge, atom, body of mass or galaxy.)

The equation for calculating the magnitude of strength of the force carrier for the gravitational force, (in Flans with symbol Φ), = gravitational flux density (x) × passage of motive force (y) × length of path of motive force, (z) or, in short Φ = xyz.

The equation used to support the mathematical framework supporting the theory of EPD is:

x = y²/z

Where, 'y' is for Energy Potential Difference, (EPD as measured in electron Volts), between two points within our present space-time in accordance with the Attractive effect, 'z' is for the Energy system circumnavigated and 'x' is for Power.

The above equation supports the postulate that states that the work in question is equal to the Energy Potential Difference squared between the two points within our present space-time in question, in accordance with the Attractive effect divided by the throughput, (energy system), of circumnavigation by the motive force in question.

Okay so the quantum of action according to the plank constant is proportional to the length of passage of motive force forming an electric charge just as the same goes for the gravitational constant being proportional to the length of passage of motive force forming the gravitational charge.

The magnitude of the gravitational field is proportional to the product of mass flow in kilograms per second times the ratio of the gravitation constant 'G' and light speed 'c' squared. Momentum 'p' may be substituted for the product 'mv', thus taking the derivative of the result introduces acceleration into the system. This acceleration generates a second energy system and path to follow by the moving parts of an energy system within an energy pattern. Now the gravitational force applied to a body of mass must affect all of its moving components, it is thought that the motive force may affect any particle depending on its charge or charges in proportion to whole the particle moves within the corresponding force field or force fields.

Potential energy may be stored in a path of motive force directly proportional to Plank length.

Where Plank length divided by Plank time is equal to the passage of the fundamental force in question, (which is also equal to the speed of light in a vacuum).

Let us consider that the units of the gravitational constant, 'G' are as follows, '{(distance)(distance)(distance)}/{(mass)(time)(time)}'.

The units of the speed of light, 'c' are as follows, 'distance/time'.

The units of the Planck constant, 'h' are as follows, '{(distance)(distance)(mass)}/(time)'.

Planck observed that there is only one way to combine these constants to obtain the following distance equal to the square root of '{(h)(G)}/{(c)(c)(c)}'.

The resulting distance is called Planck length.

The type of energy which relates to the distance between objects that interact via a force is called potential energy.

Let us consider the following equation that links the length of path, (or passage), of a motive force to the momentum of the subject motivated is actually (distance) = (velocity)(time).

Whereas, distance multiplied by distance, (or distance squared). is acceleration, whereby, energy added to a particle of mass due to its charge within the corresponding fundamental force field is units of 'm = e/c²', where 'm' is for 'mass', 'e' is for 'energy' and 'c' is for the speed of light.

Such that, the distance circumnavigated by the passage of the fundamental force in question, such as the gravitational force, divided by the time taken is equal to the velocity of the virtual particle, in the form of a graviton, let's say.

According to Flanagan's equations we have the equation 'x = yz²'. Where, the path of motive force in question, ('x'), (considered as the charge of the subject converted into kinetic energy and measured in electron volts), = 'z' multiplied by 'z squared'.

Where 'x' is for the value of the given charge, 'y' is for mass and 'z' is for acceleration.

Interestingly, the precise amount displacement, (y), of a particle of mass divided by the time for that change, (z), forms the ratio of strength between the fundamental forces provided by the motive force, (passage of fundamental force in question), within an energy system, (x).

As shown in the equation 'x = y/z' (which is also one of Flanagan's equations).

The Flanagan Principle indicates that energy does not pop into existence from out of a vacuum where nothing existed before.

The potential drop, (in relation to Energy Potential Difference or EPD), between two points of motive throughput, (the passage of the material of the fundamental force in question), is directly proportional the complex energy system densities responsible for producing the related force field or force fields and inversely proportional the surrounding particle operations.

Our theory indicates that in the future leading physicists will update the scientific community as far as the material to produce virtual particles, (apparently borrowed energy from out of a vacuum where supposedly nothing existed before), which may form according to the time frame of the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle will be surprise surprise - within the perimeters of the energy system in question, and not from anywhere outside the given system. So energy does not actually pop into existence from out of a state where nothing existed before but is proportional to the energy comprising our totality, (universe in its entirety).

Okay so what does this mean technologically should we now have the bones of a quantum theory of gravity that totally governs all gravitational devices?

Theoretically speaking, in terms of flying cars, should they incorporate an electromagnet powered so strongly that an electromagnetic field is produced opposite in strength to that set up by the iron within the core of the Earth, then our flying car could be electrically assisted by electromagnetic waves transmitted spherically outwards towards the iron core of our planet, as its occupants are then carried over the airwaves, instead of always glued to the ground, so to speak.


  1. Part 1: As promised - The Magical Mystery Tour Must Continue ...

    Dear viewers,

    Playford productions proudly presents: 'gravmech theory' for people who want tomorrow's quantum theory advancements today!

    1865: James Maxwell formulates equations linking light, electricity and magnetism

    2020: Thomas Flanagan formulates equations linking gravity, light, electricity and magnetism

    There are considered to be laws that have never been observed to have been violated, they are laws that link our totality, (universe in its entirety), compared to a load, (throughput), connected to a power source and called the 'Well Defined Laws of Quantum Gravity' which are explained as follows:

    The First Law Of Quantum Gravity

    'The gravitational force is quantified by the path of acceleration of the material of that fundamental force according to the Attractive effect which indicates that the path, (or in other words passage), of the fundamental forces are from lower towards higher energy densities.'

    In other words, the magnitude of bundles of waves that form the material of the gravitational force are proportional to the gravitational constant.

    (Interestingly, regarding the Attractive effect, there is a strong relation between the black hole at the center of a galaxy and the total mass of that galaxy and black holes actually drive the evolution of a galaxy, (according to the rate at which new stars are formed which appears to be linked to the evolution of the galaxy's central black hole), as well as the material of a galaxy seems to form a disc pattern that spirals in like water circling a drain is further evidence to support the Attractive effect that indicates that the path of the fundamental forces that govern nature is from lower towards higher energy density.)

    The Second Law Of Quantum Gravity

    'Two or more gravitational charges, located next to one another attract each other as passage of motive force is in the same direction being from lower to higher energy density.' 

    Here, the passage of gravitational force carrier particles is then increased between the two closed loops forming the mass particles proportionally as the loops of gravitational force add together. The gravitational field produced by a gravitational charge will be stronger than one produced by a single loop, (consistent with the gravitational constant), with corresponding frequency and wavelength carrying the same passage of motive force by a factor equal to the number of times the loop goes round, (where the length of path of motive force in one cycle equates to one wavelength and one wavelength is from any point on the wave to the next exactly similar point), directly proportional the gravitational constant. Whereby, the duration of a wavelength equates to one cycle of bundles of waves confined to a closed loop.

    The Third Law Of Quantum Gravity

    'The gravitational force on a gravitational charge in the region of a gravitational field is always perpendicular to the passage of motive force confined to a closed loop forming the gravitational charge. '

    Thus, the passage of gravitational force forming the material of the gravitons follows a circular path through the gravitational field. (Or in other words, a gravitational charge consists of two trains of bundles of waves oscillating perpendicular to one another which are then confined to a closed loop, here a train of waves is a measure of waves proportional to the gravitational constant). These oscillations take place at a given position as time passes. To be cont. ...

  2. Part 2: Here, the motive force, (material of the gravitational force), operating along the closed loop of a gravitonic charge creates the corresponding circumferential gravitational field outside the closed loop, (gravitonic charge). The direction of motive force is always in the same direction being from lower to higher energy densities.

    The magnitude of motive force in Flans operating through the area of the loop multiplied by the area of the loop matches the magnitude of gravitonic flux around the ring circumference multiplied by the circumference of the loop. Furthermore, the amount of motive force in Flans circumnavigating through the loop of the gravitonic charge equals the gravitonic flux around the area around the loop.

    According to the modern theory of quantum mechanics, the components of matter, (or in other words particles of matter), have no Internal structure. However, a deeper understanding requires a unification of gravity with electricity and magnetism in terms of an underlying principle.

    Normally a science enthusiast, (such as myself), performing as a magician rarely wants to share their tricks. However, in the celebration of science, the latest trends in quantum theory are now explained in laymen’s terms in order to be available to a larger audience. To be cont. ...

  3. Part 3: It is well known that under the action of the gravitational field - electromagnetic waves suffer wavelength shifts. Here, electromagnetic energies are no different to gravitonic energies, only the rate of vibration is different. Meaning that light may be converted directly into matter whereby the gravitational charge is consistently upheld as property of the combined path of bundles of waves even when particle annihilation occurs forming a high energy gamma ray. (Where each charge is then simply a bundle of fundamental force confined to a closed loop, whereby, a particle of matter such as an electron comprises one or more charge and all particles of matter comprise gravitational charge.) For a mass particle we acknowledge that the frequency and wavelength of the bundle of energy, (or in other words bundle of waves), confined to a closed loop in the form of the charge corresponds to a point on the force field spectrum. Where the gravitonic spectrum goes in higher frequency and shorter wavelength one way and lower frequency and longer wavelength in the opposite direction. Whereby, all matter comprises gravitational charge and all force fields come in loops. The gravitational charge, (being a bundle of gravitational force confined to a closed loop), of a mass particle has wavelength λ = h/mv. Where, mass is for m, (in kilograms kg), traveling at velocity v, (metres per second), where λ is the wavelength of the particle in meters and h is Planck's constant where potential energy may be stored in a path of motive force directly proportional to Planck length.

    Gravitonic energy is the energy carried by a single graviton. This amount of energy is directly proportional to the graviton's gravitonic frequency and thus, equivalently, is inversely proportional to the wavelength. The higher the graviton's frequency, the higher its energy. Equivalently, the longer the graviton's wavelength, the lower its energy. To be cont. ...

  4. Part 4: Let us consider that the electromagnetic attraction between atomic nuclei and their orbital electrons holds atoms together. Electromagnetic forces are responsible for the chemical bonds between atoms which create molecules, and intermolecular forces. The electromagnetic force governs all chemical processes, which arise from interactions between the electrons of neighbouring atoms. However, the gravitational force governs the movements of the planets within star systems and also the movement of star systems within galaxies as well as the movements of super clusters of galaxies within the universe . Interestingly, electric fields end on charged objects, however gravitational and magnetic fields are closed loops. Coulomb's law is very similar to Newton's law of gravitation, except instead of relating the force between two gravitational charges together, it relates the force between two electric charges. The main difference between the gravitational field and the magnetic field is that the magnetic field is produced when a electric charge moves over a given distance in the direction of the force. Electric fields only act upon charged masses comprising mass particles with electric charge, however gravitational fields act upon all masses as all matter comprises gravitational charge. The electric force that binds a proton and electron into an atom is 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10 to the power of 40), times larger than the gravitational force that attracts them. According to the modern theory of quantum mechanics gravity, (being a force equal to the change in energy over distance), exerts a force from a distance, with no contact, however, according to our theory there is contact between the gravitational force comprising gravitons and the gravitational charge. (When a charge is neutral it is possibly due to destructive wave interference.) The theoretical exchange of gravitons postulated by our theory of quantum gravity is the actual physical communication of the gravitational interaction, because the interacting masses change their speed and direction of travel as they absorb a specific amount of gravitons. In quantum gravmechelectrodynamics for each level of complexity, a factor decreases the contribution of the process, and thus, after a few levels the contribution is negligible. This factor, is called the gravitational fine-structure constant and serves as a measure of the strength of the gravitational interaction. The factor is 'Gm/c', where 'G' is the Newtonian constant, 'm' is mass, and 'c' is the speed of light.

    The reason why the electromagnetic force does not completely overwhelm gravity is that most things are composed of an equal number of positive and negative electric charges whose forces cancel each other out. Gravity is always attractive – no cancellation. More matter equals greater gravitational force. To be cont. ...

  5. Part 5: We could imagine the whole mass of the earth to be used as a gravity detector which is approximately 6,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms. (Whereby, the radius of the Earth is 6,400,000 meters.) Let us consider that the Earth and a 1kg sphere are two masses held apart between two points. The force between them is 9.8 metres per second squared. We can calculate this force by dropping the 1kg sphere and measuring the acceleration that the Earth's gravitational field applies to it. On the Earth's surface gravity makes a 1 kilogram mass exert about 9.8 Newtons of force. Here force is measured in Newtons not Kilograms. Weight is a measure of how strongly gravity pulls. Whereas, according to gravmech theory mass is a measure of how much motive force passes between two points of an energy system, such as the charge of a mass particle, (component of matter), according to the duration of time.
    The gravitonic charge is then defined as the length of path, (passage), of motive force multiplied by the duration of time.

    Let us consider that a mass particle comprises one or more charge, with each charge compared to a bundle of energy confined to a closed loop. Such that, the mass particle as a whole does not rotate but there are bundles of waves accelerating around some fixed point. To be cont. ...

  6. Thought experiment: Let us consider that we improvise with the equipment and we place an electric drill which makes a heavy weight turn clockwise or anticlockwise. This construction is held above a digital scale which can then give a reading even while the object is in motion of the total weight of that construction. Perhaps, when the heavy object spins in a clockwise manner, there is no noticeable difference to the weight of that object. However, if the heavy object spins in the anticlockwise direction there seems to be an apparent weight loss.

    Why would this be?!

    Well according to our theory it is because of destructive interference within the gravitational field.

    Behold, so we debunk General Relativity, (showing that the equivalence principle stating that acceleration and gravity are not actually the same thing), and show that gravitons are the quanta of the gravitational force at the same time.

    Here, interference is a phenomenon in which two waves superpose to form a resultant wave of greater, lower, or the same amplitude. Constructive and destructive interference result from the interaction of waves that are correlated or coherent with each other because they have almost the same frequency. As the heavy object spins round the frequencies of the gravitons forming the gravitational field around the heavy object, our theory, (called 'gravmech' for short), indicates that these two trains of gravitons would interfere at 0.1% the speed of light and might match if the object was spinning at the speed of light.

    So if the object spins at 0.1% the speed of light which is 299792.458 meters per second there would be a noticeable effect of a loss of weight. (Where the angular velocity is 2π/wavelength.)

    Interference occurs between two wave trains of gravitons moving in the opposite direction and having the same or similar wavelengths or frequencies. The resultant effect is destructive interference. Meaning that without gravitons there is no mediation of the gravitational force, (or weight), on the object in question.

  7. Our theory of Quantum Gravity Mechanics has evolved as the main idea here is to iron out any and all inconsistencies in the theory which is now called GRAVITECH.

    Please see 

    Playford Productions proudly presents 'Gravitech', for people who want tomorrow's quantum gravitational technology today!

    Introducing Gravitech's blog and corresponding websites.

    Please also see:

  8. General Relativity is misleading as it suggests all particles of matter are in motion where no source of power is required for a particle of matter to cover a distance in the direction of the given force. However, we see that the strong and electro weak force operate according to gauge bosons being force carrier particles. Here gravity is no different and gravitons exist as gravitonic waves being the quanta, (force carrier particles), of the gravitational force.

    Let the shooting stars fall, the pearls of knowledge all to do with quantum gravity mechanics are like hidden gems in the darkness and just as the comet glides effortlessly through the night...  I think I’ll have them all.

    Debunkers who might like to debunk our new alternative theory of quantum gravity start your engines!

    (The following material is the extent of two decades worth of research.)

    Quantum Gravity explained ...

    Quantum Gravity in a nutshell:

    (Please click on the link for more info.)
