Ten Things Einstein Got Right


A massive object such as the Sun bends the spacetime blanket with its gravity, such that light no longer travels in a straight line as it passes by the Sun. 

This means the apparent positions of background stars seen close to the Sun in the sky — including during a solar eclipse should seem slightly shifted in the absence of the Sun, because the Sun's gravity bends light. But until the eclipse experiment, no one was able to test Einstein's theory of general relativity, as no one could see stars near the Sun in the daytime otherwise. 

The world celebrated the results of this eclipse experiment, a victory for Einstein, and the dawning of a new era of our understanding of the universe.

1. Universal Speed Limit

Einstein said all light must obey the speed limit of 300,000 kilometres per second. So, even if two particles of light carry very different amounts of energy, they will travel at the same speed. 

This has been shown experimentally in space. In 2009, NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope detected two photons at virtually the same moment, with one carrying a million times more energy than the other. They both came from a high-energy region near the collision of two neutron stars about 7 billion years ago.

2. Strong Lensing 

Just like the Sun bends the light from distant stars that pass close to it, a massive object like a galaxy distorts the light from another object that is much farther away. In some cases, this phenomenon can actually help us unveil new galaxies. We say that the closer object acts like a "lens," acting like a telescope that reveals the more distant object. Entire clusters of galaxies can be lensed and act as lenses, too. 

When the lensing object appears close enough to the more distant object in the sky, we actually see multiple images of that faraway object. In 1979, scientists first observed a double image of a quasar, a very bright object at the centre of a galaxy that involves a supermassive black hole feeding off a disk of inflowing gas. These apparent copies of the distant object change in brightness if the original object is changing, but not all at once, because of how space itself is bent by the foreground object's gravity.

3. Weak Lensing 

When a massive object acts as a lens for a farther object, but the objects are not specially aligned with respect to our view, only one image of the distant object is projected. This happens much more often. The closer object's gravity makes the background object look larger and more stretched than it really is. This is called "weak lensing."

4. Microlensing 

Stars can also "lens" other stars, including stars that have planets around them. When light from a background star gets "lensed" by a closer star in the foreground, there is an increase in the background star's brightness. If that foreground star also has a planet orbiting it, then telescopes can detect an extra bump in the background star's light, caused by the orbiting planet. This technique for finding exoplanets, which are planets around stars other than our own, is called "microlensing." 

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, in collaboration with ground-based observatories, found an "iceball" planet through microlensing. While microlensing has so far found less than 100 confirmed planets, WFIRST could find more than 1,000 new exoplanets using this technique.

5. Black Hole 

The very existence of black holes, extremely dense objects from which no light can escape, is a prediction of general relativity. They represent the most extreme distortions of the fabric of space-time, and are especially famous for how their immense gravity affects light in weird ways that only Einstein's theory could explain. 

In 2019 the Event Horizon Telescope international collaboration, supported by the National Science Foundation and other partners, unveiled the first image of a black hole's event horizon, the border that defines a black hole's "point of no return" for nearby material. NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, and Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope all looked at the same black hole in a coordinated effort and researchers are still analysing the results. 

6. Relativistic Jet

This Spitzer image shows the galaxy Messier 87 (M87) in infrared light, which has a supermassive black hole at its centre. Around the black hole is a disk of extremely hot gas, as well as two jets of material shooting out in opposite directions. One of the jets, visible on the right of the image, is pointing almost exactly toward Earth. Its enhanced brightness is due to the emission of light from particles traveling toward the observer at near the speed of light, an effect called "relativistic beaming." By contrast, the other jet is invisible at all wavelengths because it is traveling away from the observer near the speed of light. The details of how such jets work are still mysterious, and scientists will continue studying black holes for more clues. 

7. A Gravitational Vortex 

Speaking of black holes, their gravity is so intense that they make infalling material "wobble" around them. Like a spoon stirring honey, where honey is the space around a black hole, the black hole's distortion of space has a wobbling effect on material orbiting the black hole. Until recently, this was only theoretical. But in 2016, an international team of scientists using European Space Agency's XMM-Newton and NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NUSTAR) announced they had observed the signature of wobbling matter for the first time. Scientists will continue studying these odd effects of black holes to further probe Einstein's ideas firsthand. 

Incidentally, this wobbling of material around a black hole is similar to how Einstein explained Mercury's odd orbit. As the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury feels the most gravitational tug from the Sun, and so its orbit's orientation is slowly rotating around the Sun, creating a wobble.

8. Gravitational Waves 

Ripples through space-time called gravitational waves were hypothesized by Einstein about 100 years ago, but not actually observed until recently. In 2016, an international collaboration of astronomers working with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors announced a landmark discovery: This enormous experiment detected the subtle signal of gravitational waves that had been traveling for 1.3 billion years.

9. The Sun Delaying Radio Signals 

Planetary exploration spacecraft have also shown Einstein to be right about general relativity. Because spacecraft communicate with Earth using light, in the form of radio waves, they present great opportunities to see whether the gravity of a massive object like the Sun changes light's path. 

In 1970, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced that Mariner VI and VII, which completed flybys of Mars in 1969, had conducted experiments using radio signals — and also agreed with Einstein. Using NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN), the two Mariners took several hundred radio measurements for this purpose. Researchers measured the time it took for radio signals to travel from the DSN dish in Goldstone, California, to the spacecraft and back. As Einstein would have predicted, there was a delay in the total roundtrip time because of the Sun's gravity. For Mariner VI, the maximum delay was 204 microseconds, which, while far less than a single second, aligned almost exactly with what Einstein's theory would anticipate.

10. Proof from Orbiting Earth 

In 2004, NASA launched a spacecraft called Gravity Probe B specifically designed to watch Einstein's theory play out in the orbit of Earth. The theory goes that Earth, a rotating body, should be pulling the fabric of space-time around it as it spins, in addition to distorting light with its gravity. The spacecraft had four gyroscopes and pointed at the star IM Pegasi while orbiting Earth over the poles. In this experiment, if Einstein had been wrong, these gyroscopes would have always pointed in the same direction. But in 2011, scientists announced they had observed tiny changes in the gyroscopes' directions as a consequence of Earth, because of its gravity, dragging space-time around it.