
 Careless, Calmful, Calculating conditions causing captivity, cap salary claim calorie

We always find at the end of the road that there is something more to ponder, there is something more to discover, there is something more to pay attention to. We are living in a society where we are sharing ideas, thoughts, views on reality. When we were kids, we used to think about ideas such as infinity, eternity, and the vicinity with the parents of the upper world. Questions like who created God is impossible for us to answer right now. Every human being once in his/her lifetime thinks about such questions. There is no wonder in thought itself, when a commodity is abundant it’s value drops to the bottom. There is no turning back, it all depends upon the path. It all collapses to you, how far you are taking the idea in your mind. My respected Physics teacher and his family are very good family friends of ours. One day they came up to the house and asked his son to ask me the question that he was earlier asking him. The kid said, “How does God have been creating the Universe…….such and such……??” I smiled because I knew that “OK, this is a type of question that will remind you how little the entire humanity knows about the cosmos”. There is no answer to such questions simply because we don’t know. We are not capable of understanding the truth (at least for now). But the question just stuck to my head. When I woke up in the morning, I revised the entire question, “How does God have been creating the Universe which is going to expand for this infinite time??” So the first thing is that there is a flaw in the question. The Universe is not going to expand for an infinite amount of time, we know this! It is going to die (pretty sad but that’s true) after some time. We have predicted the possibilities of death, it could be a heat death which is pretty much a thermodynamic calamity. It implies when the universe reaches its thermodynamic equilibrium where the entropy is maximum. There is an interesting and terrifying way in which our universe may die, known as ‘vacuum decay’. It is interesting because we don’t know when it is going to happen, it is terrifying because it can really happen right now. It is all about the state of the system, every entity in the universe runs for the lowest potential energy. The pencil which is kept on the table is stable in the sense that the gravitational force, frictional force, and every other force which is acting on it is keeping it the state of equilibrium. But that doesn’t mean that it holds the state of lowest potential. The table carries the potential energy which is due to the height itself. The gravitational potential energy is killing the situation so that means a slight displacement can really shatter the whole stability. The same can happen to the universe, maybe the universe is not that stable as we think it is. Any sudden ‘Woo-Woo’ can kill stability.

However, if we think about the expansion and evolution of the universe then we can explain it by considering the ‘simulation hypothesis’. It is quite reminiscent of the Matrix where people are living in a simulation. The entire universe could be a simulation created by a high-level programmer and we call them ‘God’. If this is the case then so does the programmer, God continuously has to create this simulation. The answer is no! When we talk about AI (Artificial intelligence) or AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), we think of a system that is programmed to behave like us and evolve like us. An AI is programmed with functions that are based upon certain do’s and don’t. The special part about the dos is that it can create a lot of random activities depending upon how well it is programmed with fewer limitations. There is something in nature itself to evolve by learning new things from the surrounding. We can claim ourselves as an advanced version of the AI embedded in a well-programmed system with well-defined limitations to which we call the laws of nature. The entire lifespan of a person could be well programmed and random at the same time. It could be because it is possible just to define points not the paths. Suppose I am going to my college, there are two points defined that are the ‘home’ and ‘college’. Now if the path is not defined then there are infinite possibilities that can exist in between the journey from home to college. I could reach the college at the perfect time, it could be this simple. Suddenly an alien invasion happens during the journey, it could be this crazy. These possibilities exist which clarifies our one more notion regarding the universe that is the existence of the Multiverse. I couldn’t be able to reach the college if the point didn’t exist at first. So if we think rationally then there is no doubt that God is really paying attention to defining paths and fixing things up rather than just changing some points of divergence. It is because whatever the path is, it has been taken by someone, it has been taken by someone and it will have to be taken by someone. But in the end who knows or who cares??