Why do we fall but Electrons don't?

The thing about falling can be taken into consideration in many different forms, but here we are interested in a more scientific (Physical) form of understanding. So, it clears that I am not going to complete the sentence by saying something philosophical like When do we fall?......So we can learn to pick ourselves up! That holds great value but on its own. But still, Physics is inevitable! The question of why do we fall talks about a very notorious force of nature, namely Gravity. Every form of falling represents an action performed in the form of Gravitation. As we all know that the idea of gravity was first discovered by Isaac Newton. He introduced this idea to the world asking himself a great question, "Does the moon fall someday?" After that question raised in his mind, he started to develop some maths about the system which lead to the formula of the gravitational force. We use this formula nowadays but it has some restrictions. Einstein, later on, developed a notion of a more complex way to define gravity. Einstein elevated the concept to a high extent. We don't have any other theory of gravity that successful and developed as Einstien's. We have passed over a hundred years but the idea hasn't completely understood. We know it is always attractive, we know it is the weakest force, the range is infinite, Einstein told us that it is nothing but a curvature in spacetime produced by some mass. But we should note one thing that 'fall' matters only on Earth. There is nothing like fall on space. It is all free-fall!

But the interesting question is that at the quantum level, the Electrons do not behave in the way macroscopic objects behave in gravity. At the quantum level, the forces are weak and strong.  The fact that the electrons never fell into the nucleus goes with the presence of Energy levels. There exists set energy levels inside a nucleus in which electrons can travel only when it posses some energy. If it is gaining the energy then it will be jumping to some higher level (Excited-state), If it is losing energy then it goes down to a lower state. The stable state is known as the ground state. The atoms have to be stable, the moment they get unstable something like a decay happens. But this will never happen in the reverse direction. They will never fall into the nucleus.