The Singularity of a Black Hole

The concept of singularity is hypothetical. A singularity can be defined in terms of mathematics as well as theoretical physics. In terms of mathematics, a singularity is a type of discontinuity or discontinuity of a derivative. But we will define it in terms of theoretical physics. The topic of singularity is still a mystery for scientists. They are trying to understand it.
Generally, a gravitational singularity is defined in terms of one- dimensional point. It is a region in which all tidal gravitational forces becomes Infinite.

1) Types of Singularity-

Singularity is classified into two types. One is Initial Singularity and other is Gravitational singularity. The Big bang singularity is known as initial singularity ( which is the cause of origin of universe) and one, which is present inside the black holes is known as Gravitational singularity. In question, a black hole singularity is discussed. So, any gravitational singularity forms when an enormous star burns all of its fuel. Then, gravity crushes the star up to infinite levels and as a result, singularity forms ( which remains inside any black hole).

2) Physical properties-

A singularity is infinitesimal and an infinite density object. It is the result of extreme form of weakest fundamental force of universe- Gravitational force. A singularity is the center of black hole. A singularity exists where- there is no any spacetime. It rotates with the rotating black holes. If any singularity revolves around any point, then due to its huge angular velocity, it seems to form a ring and then called Ringularity. At singularity, there is not spacetime, means without platform, Einstein's equations failed there. Then we say that all laws of physics breaks at singularity. All the mass of black hole contracted in only that point. This huge mass tends to curve the spacetime infinitely.

3) Most interesting facts about Singularity-
 Some scientists believe that near a singularity (inside black hole), such energies are present which are required for Big bang. Means if our universe is reproducing, it may be inside the black holes. In this case, initial singularity is same as gravitational singularity. Because both can involve in Big bang. Thus, it may be possible that we are living inside a black hole. Or may be we are pushed outward through it. And that black hole can be a part of another universe. It is an interesting idea. Is not it?
● Hence, there is end of space and time. End of everything! Scientists came to know that there is a region around singularity and often called 'closed timelike curve' by astronomers, which is nice way to say that you can enter in this region and can come out after revolve, and you come out before you go inside. Means you can visit your past without entering inside. The surrounding curve of singularity, space and time form a General Relativity Time Machine. Means, if anyone can enter inside it, then can go at time before existing it.

4) Do Singularity really exist?

Some scientists believe that all physical known quantities becomes infinity there other than mass. But, the remarkable point is that in evidential way, we don't know it exists or not! There are many theories that what should be inside a black hole. It may be singularity, a worm hole or a white hole.
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