MAVEN in Space

MAVEN stands for 'Mars atmosphere and volatile evolution', a spacecraft made by NASA in order to study the atmosphere of Mars. There exist many speculations regarding terraforming Mars and we need data in order to elevate the probability of colonizing. Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX is very optimistic about this idea, actually, he is one big reason why they get so much attention on social media. But we should know that there are many factors that lay hindrances in the path in this story. There is a whole lot of difference between the two planets ( Earth and Mars) that include, differences in gravity, atmosphere, light, and food. There are other factors also that come under weird and critical observations. One such factor is the Magnetic field, Unlike the Earth, Mars has no inner dynamo to create a major global magnetic field. Earth has a beautiful solenoidal shaped magnetic field lines (they had to be solenoidal if they are magnetic). 

This is known as the Magnetosphere, the purpose is to protect the Earth from charged particles. Our sun originates these kinds of particles, and mars due to lack of global magnetic field lose the battle against such particles. MAVEN glorifies our understanding of the nature of the magnetic field and how it is necessary to sustain life. Here are some results we got from the observation made by MAVEN:

This shows the weird direction of the magnetic field which clears that it is asymmetric, protective, and highly unstable in nature.  MAVEN detailed measurements of the magnetic environment surrounding Mars have revealed the shape of these electric currents for the first time.