Many-World Interpretation

The Many-World Interpretation also known as Everttian-Interpretation since it was first proposed by Hugh Everett in 1957. Later on, Bryce DeWitt popularised the formulation as a Many-World interpretation around the 60s. The name sounds pretty that there exist many worlds, but what worlds there is only one world which is known to humanity. We should first revise the definition of the world. We live in a Universe, in a galaxy, in a solar system, on a planet with certain conditions, certain factors, they are governing the system, in particular, specific manner. We know things are changing with respect to some quantities, some factors which are also fixed for this particular system, or this particular world! Everett claimed there should exist systems, worlds where the other possibilities exist. That's not a real statement, he said this in terms of Quantum mechanics which a very handful people understood at that time but now when the time has changed the idea has become a mesmerizing spell to glorify a  number of other different ideas.

We can see the direct impact on Science-fiction movies, it is even interpretative for certain unique plots. This is all to enhance the intuition of the idea, but let see it's real nature.

1. A mathematical theory that yields the time evolution of the quantum state of the (Single) Universe. 
2. A perception that sets up a correspondence between the quantum states of the universe and our experiences.

The first statement depicts the significance of mathematics and if we are talking mathematics we cannot ignore our cat person, Schrodinger. The wave equations he developed are popularly known as Schrodinger's wave equation. It resonates with the concept of time evolution. Time evolution is itself a very broad concept, but it is fine to think about it as the change in the states of the system with the flow of time. We observe that there exist wave functions collapse and varies with time depending on situations. The time evolution of stationary states is zero which doesn't mean that nothing is happening in the system. The system could consist of particles in a dynamic manner, the thing is that they are not evolving or changing with time (considering the system undisrupted). The second statement is a deeper understanding of the relation between our perception of nature and the change which occurs in the quantum states.

Now it helps to clarify one profound question, Is time travel possible? It does not really solve the problem but it gives you a different approach, a hope! Time travel which was shown in the movie Avengers: Endgame is a true form of traveling through a time where they are using the possibilities of traveling into a different world as traveling into different moments of time. So what it really depicts is that there is some location in space attached to a particular time. Although they are flaws in the movie the time travel is one thing which clears that there was something wrong with the older classic time travel movies.