What was before big bang?

Big bang was the event which created everything we can see, touch, feel etc. Actually that was the starting of everything, and this really meant everything space, time, sound, light, atoms, electrons, etc.
Calculated predictions says that, the event of big bang takes place 13.8 billion years before. Here are some groups who still stands against big bang theory by raising some questions on it  and some of the questions  like:
1. According to our experience we can say that, something can’t come from nothing, so how big bang creates everything.
2. If space didn’t exist before big bang then where that point of singularity lie,a point also need a point space.
3. We all know that any blast can’t happen without random movements of small particles inside any particles, so if there was no time and space before big bang than how any type of motion is possible.
There are many more points against big bang but we are not going to discuss all of them. Big bang theory is totally surrounded by questions but still it is the most acceptable theory in scientist community because this theory answers more question than any other theory.
We don’t have any other theory which can explain the start of everything as big bang.
But here one question rises, what exists before big bang?
If we try to think about this question then an answer comes out as, there was nothing before big bang even that ‘what’ in the question also comes in existence after big bang.
From this perspective we can say that, there was nothing before big bang. But according to Stephen hawking, big bang theory is absolutely right, as he says in one of his interview; If we rewind the remote of universe then we will able to see that everything is going to compress in a point known as singularity.
Inside this ultimate point of heat, temperature and density all of our physics’s laws stop functioning.
The immortal time also comes in existence after universe start expanding hence our rewinding will not answer that from where that point of singularity comes in existence.
Same type of question was asked by St. Augustin before 1,600 years in past , what exist before God created this universe?
Augustin finds answer in Bible phrase “In the beginning” God created nothing before big bang so there was nothing before God. Augustin argued with the answer that we are not the creation of any God but the time and space creates itself simultaneously.
In 20th century Albert Einstein proved that time is not fixed but it is relative to mass by proposing his general theory of relativity. In his theory Einstein says that, body of heavy masses warps space time by decreasing the rate of time flow in nearby space.
Which means time in a satellite differ from time on earth but with a very low magnitude. Based on this theory one of the scientists of Balgium, Rev Georges Lemaitre  propose a paper in 1927 in which he says, universe comes in existence because of a blast takes place in a point of ultimate mass and density.
That was the first time when someone is talking about big bang.
Another idea say that our universe is nothing but a offspring of another universe. This theory was written by taking cosmic microwave background as a hint. But at that time, lots of questions arises on big bang but eternal inflation theory helps big bang theory by saying that universe expands with a really quiet speed just after big bang in a fraction of time which is the reason of cosmic microwave background.
Hence we can say that big bang theory is unprovoked without inflation theory. Right now we have numerous inflation theory but we believe in eternal inflation, chaotic inflation theory and some more because it provides a different idea about big bang.