
Sterile Neutrinos 

These are hypothetical neutrinos that unlike neutrinos, which interact with only weak force and gravity, these sterile neutrinos interact with only gravity. Additionally, they would also not carry a charge, and unlike normal neutrinos which possess a left handed spin, sterile neutrinos would have a right handed spin. This lack of interaction has led to Sterile neutrinos being considered to be dark matter, although they don't quite possess sufficient mass.

Review of Neutrinos 

Neutrinos, are elementary particles which are part of model, and they are leptons. They are Classified into three separate "flavours" which is just the term for type of neutrino. These 3 fIavours are tau, electron, and muon neutrinos. The thing is that neutrinos oscillate between flavours; and this is known as Neutrino. Oscillation. Neutrinos also have a neutral charge, and being that they only interact via weak forces and gravity, have a mass very close to zero.

Effect of Chirality 

In a right handed normal chirality, a particle can interact with weak force and gravity, however, when they have a left handed chirality, they can not interact with weak force, which is responsible for every neutrino ever observed. If we make the particle into an  anti-particle, its chirlaities switch roles and the left handed chirality can be detected. This means that only anti-left and normal right handed chiralities can be detected. The others would be the sterile ones.

Why they could Exist?

Quarks and bosons, the other two families of elementary particles, have mechanisms with which chirality oscillates. This would mean that because a sterile neutrino would be a chirality oscillation, and that the other chirality would not interact with weak force, that it would only make sense that the sterile neutrinos exist

Possible Detection

MiniBoonE is a machine atw Fermilab designed to observe neutrino oscillations. A neutrino beam, consisting primarily of muon neutrinos is directed at a detector filled with mineral oil and lined with photomultiplier tubes. One time, a large outburst of electron neutrinos occurred which was very unlikely to be coincidental. This might have meant that because the sterile neutrino doesn't even interact with weak force, that an oscillation to sterile neutrinos must have caused the mass to oscillate to electron, the lowest neutrino flavour.