Four Basic Forces

The theories of science say that the electromagnetic force in an atom has the function of binding and attracting subatomic particles with opposite charges and that this force is transmitted by photons (Plank)!

Where are the photons in the atoms?

Photons, according to official science, are elemental particles of light, massless, with a speed of 300 thousand kilometers per second. Scientists do not know anything else about this particle, but “they know that these particles in an atom, attract protons and electrons, and thus maintain a stable atomic structure”. But should a smart mind accept such frivolity? Does this mean that the electromagnetic force in an atom only works when the atom is on the illuminated side of the Earth? Ask this question and no one will give you an explanation.

However, a new absurdity is emerging now - how is it that there is a certain spatial distance between oppositely charged particles, electrons and protons in an atom, but that particles with the same charge, protons, are densely compacted in the nucleus of an atom? And because of photons, protons should repel! Where is the logic?

Then our “great” scientists came up with a viable solution: They invented new subatomic particles, which firmly connect the particles to the same charge, quarks, into one whole, a proton! They called these particles Gluons. And the scientists said, these are not real particles, but as a bonding mass. To the simple question of why the Gluons do not bind all the quarks into one proton and not into numerous protons, which are then attracted to the nucleus by atoms, scientists have no excuse. Needless to say, scientists have never lab-recorded and identified this Gluon particle within a proton and do not know the structure or mass of the particle. This particle was needed by scientists to explain the existence of interconnected, positively charged protons in the nucleus of atoms, and they simply invented it. Based on this theory, many have been developed that have given the Gluons eight colors, mass, charge and spin. A whole new theory was developed, which only served those who invented it. No one has isolated Gluon as well as his meson group!

But then, in 1896, the scientist Bekerel determined that the uranium salts emit some radiation, and so Earthlings learned that the nuclei of atoms could fall apart. In researching this phenomenon, Bekerell was aided in the future double Noble Prize winner, Marie curie.

After this discovery, our scientists found themselves in a tricky position. How to explain to the public now that the nucleus of atoms is falling apart, despite the existence of Gluons, according  to the physicists, which so firmly bind quarks and protons to the nucleus of atoms.

And then (Weinberg) scientists “came up with” and invented the existence of new particles, the Z and W bosons! These particles were supposed to allow the decay of protons and atomic nuclei. Needless to say, these particles were never really identified or examined. Scientists needed some new particles and they invented them.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein assumed that there were some particles that had an attractive force and called them Gravitons. Further than that, none of the scientists has ever reached it.

It can be said that Einstein was initially right. There are particles that exert gravitational pressure on all bodies that have mass. I’ll just say the basic one here:

Gravity is caused by Basic particles, which make up Dark matter in the gravitational field, around every celestial body. The movement of the Basic particles from the gravitational field towards the nucleus of the celestial body causes gravitational force on the celestial body and immediately around the body. This force grows with acceleration, which is responsible for the formation of the bark of the celestial body, relief, atmosphere, water and life. When the Basic Particles are consumed in the gravitational field, then the celestial body begins to decay. At first the atmosphere disappears, then the disappearance of life, and finally the layers of the crust of the celestial body crumble. The celestial body is eventually completely transformed into the Basic particles, which are emitted into space, where it will become the content of the gravitational field of some new celestial body. So much of me!

And so, scientists take what they need to explain some natural mystery. Then many scientific papers, physical equations, and mathematical calculations are made on this thesis. Students bother with difficult and complex idiotic stuff, and in the end, all this proves to be incorrect!

The same case happened with Einstein’s Cosmological Constant from Theory of General Relativity. To prove the Big Bang theory, Einstein arbitrarily introduced a cosmological constant ( 8Pi x G x P / 3c^2) into his calculations. Twenty years later, the scientist Hubble observed that the universe was still expanding, which was contrary to Einstein’s equations with a cosmological constant. And in the end, Einstein acknowledged that the cosmological constant was his greatest nonsense. But to no effect, because official science still claims that the universe originated in BB, even though the official (Einstein) theory predicts its compression, which does not happen in the universe anyway.